Morph - Space Goo (Rare) - 81/204
Ursula - Deceiver (Uncommon) - 90/204
John Silver - Greedy Treasure Seeker (Rare) - 176/204
Maleficent - Mistress of All Evil (Legendary) - 51/204
Hydra - Deadly Serpent (Legendary) - 108/204
Ursula - Sea Witch (Rare) - 59/204
Ursula - Sea Witch (Foil Rare) - 59/204
Lyle Tiberius Rourke - Cunning Mercenary (Foil Super Rare) - 78/204
Pluto - Determined Defender (Rare) - 17/204
Helga Sinclair - Femme Fatale (Foil Super Rare) - 74/204
Gramma Tala - Spirit of the Ocean (Legendary) - 143/204
Kit Cloudkicker - Navigator (Foil Uncommon) - 147/204
The Bare Necessities (Rare) - 28/204
Lucky - The 15th Puppy (Foil Rare) - 8/204
Orville - Ace Pilot (Foil Common) - 13/204
Don Karnage - Prince of Pirates (Foil Common) - 71/204
Voyage (Foil Common) - 131/204
Bernard - Brand New Agent (Foil Rare) - 2/204
Gustav the Giant - Terror of the Kingdom (Foil Rare) - 173/204
Gizmosuit (Foil Common) - 200/204
Helga Sinclair - Vengeful Partner (Foil Rare) - 75/204
Flotsam - Riffraff (Foil Common) - 72/204
Airfoil (Foil Common) - 97/204
Iago - Pretty Polly (Foil Common) - 40/204
Dewey - Showy Nephew (Foil Uncommon) - 139/204
Sir Hiss - Aggravating Asp (Foil Common) - 86/204
Captain Hook - Master Swordsman (Foil Rare) - 105/204
Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain (Super Rare) - 16/204
Mama Odie - Mystical Maven (Rare) - 151/204
Minnie Mouse - Musical Artist (Rare) - 9/204
The Sorcerer's Hat (Rare) - 65/204
Stitch - Covert Agent (Rare) - 89/204