Quelling Robe (Common) - UPR184
Read the Ripples (Blue) - UPR178
Read the Ripples (Yellow) - UPR177
Read the Ripples (Red) - UPR176
Cold Snap (Yellow) - UPR148
Cold Snap (Red) - UPR147
Ice Bolt (Red) - UPR133
Frosting (Yellow) - UPR131
Aether Hail (Yellow) - UPR128
Sloggism (Yellow) - 1HP421
Sloggism (Red) - 1HP420
Come to Fight (Blue) - 1HP416
Come to Fight (Yellow) - 1HP415
Primeval Bellow (Yellow) - 1HP041
Riled Up (Red) - 1HP028
Pack Hunt (Red) - 1HP025
Primeval Bellow (Red) (Common) - WTR035 - Unlimited
Wounding Blow (Red) (Common) - WTR203 - Unlimited
Driving Blade (Red) (Common) - WTR144 - Unlimited
Nature's Path Pilgrimage (Red) (Common) - WTR147 - Unlimited
Cartilage Crush (Blue) (Common) - WTR062 - Unlimited
Crush Confidence (Yellow) (Common) - WTR064 - Unlimited
Flock of the Feather Walkers (Blue) (Common) - WTR184 - Unlimited
Prism // Iris of Reality (Token) - MON002 // MON088 - Unlimited Normal
Stonewall Confidence (Yellow) (Common) - WTR073 - Unlimited
Cartilage Crush (Red) (Common) - WTR060 - Unlimited
Leg Tap (Yellow) (Common) - WTR102 - Unlimited
Emerging Power (Red) (Common) - WTR069 - Unlimited
Buckling Blow (Yellow) (Common) - WTR058 - Unlimited
Debilitate (Yellow) (Common) - WTR067 - Unlimited
Emerging Power (Blue) (Common) - WTR071 - Unlimited
Nature's Path Pilgrimage (Blue) (Common) - WTR149 - Unlimited