Sabo (Leader) - OP05-001
Belo Betty (Leader) - OP05-002
Hack (Common) - OP05-012
Bunny Joe (Common) - OP05-013
Pell (Common) - OP05-014
Toh-Toh (Common) - OP05-009
Let Us Begin the World of Violence!!! (Uncommon) - OP05-059
Bastille (Uncommon) - OP05-048
Sakazuki (Leader) - OP05-041
Stainless (Common) - OP05-045
X.Barrels (Common) - OP05-056
Mozambia (Common) - OP05-053
John Giant (Common) - OP05-044
Dalmatian (Common) - OP05-046
Maynard (Common) - OP05-052
Haccha (Uncommon) - OP05-049
It's a Waster of Human Life!! (Common) - OP05-058
Basil Hawkins (Common) - OP05-047
Because the Side of Justice Will Be Whichever Side Wins!! (Foil) (Rare) - OP05-037
Hound Blaze (Foil) (Rare) - OP05-057
Karasu (Foil) (Rare) - OP05-005