MTG: March of the Machine Commander Decks (Set of 5)
Now Available!
Set Includes:
• 5 March of the Machine: Commander Decks - 1 Growing Threat + 1 Cavalry Charge + Divine Convocation + 1 Call for Backup + 1 Tinker Time
Each Deck Includes:
• 100-card ready-to-play March of the Machine Commander Deck
• 2-card Collector Booster Sample Pack
• Plus: 10 specialty cards and 1 Foil-Etched Display Commander
• Deck includes 2 Traditional Foils + 98 nonfoil cards
• Deck introduces 10 MTG cards not found in the main set
• Accessories—10 double-sided tokens, Life Tracker, special die, and deck box
Magic the Gathering MOM